Antabytha Yormwyn
"So what if they see me as some kind'a monster? I'll just take em all to hell with me."
A pirate recently released from her 15-year sentence. Antabytha Yormwyn would like nothing more than to spill the blood of her enemies upon Eorzean soil.
Basic Info

Name: Antabytha Yormwyn
Real Last name: Askwyn
Age: 31
Race: Roegadyn-Sea Wolf
Birthplace: Arslaent
Sexuality: Bisexual
Former/Original Occupation: Pirate/Relic Hunter
Current Occupation: Unemployed
Eye Color: Violet
Hair Style: Short(May change in the future)
Hair Color: Black with Violet accents(May change in the future)
Skin Tone: Pale White
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Antabytha is a woman with rather odd morals. In most cases, she does like to take no for an answer, and if there's something she likes, be it person, place, or thing, she will have it, unless met with force. She doesn't like to share, if it's not with her sister, or someone she's familiar with, hence she doesn't like to do jobs with others. Not only that, but she can be quite the pain, picking fights with every strong looking man and woman she meets, and if she has taken a liking to them, will cling onto them unless driven away by that very person she has chosen to stick to. She can be quite violent, alot more violent than her older sister, but will not go beserk from simple brawls or sparring, though if she starts getting excited during a fight, it means she has taken a liking to the person she is fighting. As to those who don't fight, she'll pay no mind to most of the time, though that doesn't mean she won't converse with them or grow attached to them in some way, shape or form.
Fun Fact: She really likes cute things such as plushies and chocolate hearts.
Born in Aersleant alongside her sister, Fraegeim Askwin, Antabytha was a trouble child, not having the same dedication to learning and education to her elder sister, and so she was often lectured and sometimes punished by her parents. Despite this, she looked up to Frae, and even followed her to Idyllshire and back to Sharlayan despite not having the same mental capacity and desire to pursue academic study.
She would often defend Frae from the other scholars they would often butt heads with, though it was Antabytha who would get into actual physical fights with them, some even calling her derogatory names, such as a savage beast that cannot be tamed. It was only a year or two that passed in which Antabytha was promptly kicked out after almost beating a scholar to death after constantly taunting her when separated from Frae. She didn't want to go back home to her parents, as she knew they would just be disappointed in her and never love her the way she was. So, she would leave a letter for Frae, before leaving Sharlayan and her family altogether, using her survival skills for about half-a-year until she was found and recruited by a pirate crew.
From there, Antabytha used her knowledge from Sharlayan to track down relics and treasures for the crew she had joined, being introduced to drinking, smoking, and even killing at a young age. She never forgot about Frae however, and would try to send her letters of her adventures, and sometimes would try to send gifts which consisted of her findings. She realized she had a talent for fighting, and often kept relics such as monk scrolls and learn from them as much as she could in order to add upon her skills. She knew she was strong, but she wasn't stupid. If she wanted to survive, she needed to learn to adapt to her opponents.
Unfortunately, Antabytha's life of piracy and freedom was cut short when sailing across the seas of Limsa, in which she and her crew were apprehended and put in prison after only a week of stealing, whoring and killing innocent lives. Though Her captain and the other members were sentenced to life in prison, Antabytha herself was instead sentenced to 15 years, since she was quite young(16 years old), and some residents, including Merlwyb herself, who had long abandoned the pirate life just thought she was misguided. It was then that she was forced through a rehabilitation process, including serving as a night guard in Limsa every now and then as a yellow jacket, where they tried to help her. But to their dismay, they could not cure a woman who was just doing what her heart and soul told her to do, and to temporarily combat this, played the "silent type" trope while pretending to slowly be affected by her rehabilitation process.
Story so far......
Finally being released from prison at the age of 31, Antabytha already has two goals set in mind. Find her sister Frae, and figure out how else to live her days in a world where pirates have nearly ceased to exist.
Fraegeim Askwyn
Antabytha's older, and much mature sister. The two got along when they were children despite being polar opposites, and even though she was younger, Antabytha often was protective of her older sis. She still looks up to Frae as her role model to this very day, and wants to do all she can to protect her as she did before they went their separate ways.
Whether it's killing, guard duty, trading drugs, Antabytha's yer gal! As long as you have plenty coin, this Roegadyn will be more than willing to help with whatever needs to be done.
Antabytha tends to be attracted to people who seem strong like a moth to a flame. Height, weight, and personality do not matter to her as long as the person has some knowledge of combat.
Relics/Weapons-Where Frae likes to study and record different kinds of beers, Antabytha>>>you guessed it, likes to study and record different relics and forms of weaponry she can get her hands on. Though she lost her records after getting arrested, she doesn't mind starting over. Any talk of treasures or powerful weapons will tickle her fancy.
Scenery-Shockingly enough, Antabytha likes to take in the sight of beautiful areas, places such as the Shroud, as well and the caves of Satasha being some of her favorites.
ooc Info
Yo! 20-year old male with 7 years of rp experience outside of FFXIV here! I've done various rps, including combat, descriptive, and sometimes even comedy or slice of life rp. I have multiple ocs on Aether, so you might see me here and there without realizing If you ever need it, I can play as NPCs in any combat rps you have in mind, and possibly villain ocs in the near future.
Though I'm pretty much free around 1PM-2AM(Sometimes all day/night) all day, that will change due to college and/or work hours later on in the year. If I am online and am unresponsive that either means I am busy or am doing something that I want to get done as soon as possible, please be patient >.<
Antabytha's character is meant to be shaped/developed through interactions with other characters. Whether he stays good or becomes evil depends on you're relationship with her and whether or not you want her to change sides. Please do not hesitate to either send me a tell, dm via discord, or try new things IC with Antabytha if you so desire.
I am ok with dark rp, however please discuss with me in /tell or dms what you plan on doing, and please ask first before killing off any of my ocs without warning either days prior or hours before the rp so I know ahead of time.
ERP is fine, only if you're character has a deep relationship with Antabytha. If you would like to ship you're oc with her or any of my other ocs prior to our characters developing more than just a friendly bond, please ask in /tell or dms.
More carrds coming soon \o/....I think.
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